Thank you for joining us at AHR Expo 2025 in Orlando! We were thrilled to showcase Nessum-Wire, the latest and most advanced IP-based wireline communication technology for smart buildings.

As control networks in smart buildings grow larger and more complex, there is an increasing demand for advanced communication technology. System integrators seek a standard based solution that offers higher bandwidth, enhanced security, support for more nodes, and robust long-range communication, all while reducing costs and complexity. To meet this need, the Nessum Alliance has introduced a new standard called Nessum-Wire, based on IEEE 1901-2020 and approved by ANSI/CTA 709.8. This new IP-based transport standard delivers long-range, megabit speeds, high security, and flexible topologies for controlling, monitoring, and managing networked devices at the edge, utilizing existing powered and unpowered building wiring. The standard provides LON, BACnet, and KNX systems with an IP-based, secure, and immediate speed upgrade without the necessity of adding or replacing any wiring.

We also participated in a Free Educational Session at AHR Expo 2025, providing in-depth insights into how Nessum is transforming the industry. If you couldn’t attend, you can now access the presentation materials here:

The session will cover the following topics:

Watch the Session Recording